Saturday, November 6, 2010

Prop B Passes in Missouri

Can you imagine forcing your pet dog to live his or her entire life in a small wire cage with no human companionship, toys or comfort, and little hope of ever becoming part of a family? That is what life is like for a puppy mill breeding dog. Help us stop this cycle of cruelty that contributes to pet overpopulation and the suffering of countless dogs.

Prop B passed in Missouri, the Puppy Mill Capital of the United States. It will help alleviate some of the suffering in these terrible breeding places. It's amazing to me how hard it is just to pass a law to make people treat these dogs humanely. Even with this law passed people will still be out there abusing these dogs for profit. 

Please remember to adopt and not shop. This is the only way we will really every get rid of these terrible places for good...

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